Poté, co opustil pozici dvorního skladatele v Salzburgu, nenalezl již přes svou proslulost stálé placené místo pro zajištění existence své rodiny. Ve svém dětství koncertoval po celé Evropě. Je uznáván jako geniální hudebník, komponoval díla světského i duchovního charakteru – opery, symfonie, koncertní skladby pro různé sólové nástroje, komorní hudbu, mše a chorály. prosince 1791, Vídeň) byl rakouský klasicistní hudební skladatel a klavírní virtuos. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, jméno podle křestního záznamu Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart (27.Al costat de Haydn i Beethoven, forma part de l'escola de Viena. Va ser el primer compositor important que va intentar establir una carrera musical «independent». Les primeres gires per Europa el van fer famós i el van familiaritzar amb els estils musicals europeus, que després va sintetitzar en les seves obres. Era el germà petit de la pianista i compositora Maria Anna Mozart. lir-ne en cadascun, així com per la seva sorprenent fluïdesa de composició.A diferència de qualsevol altre compositor en la història musical, va escriure en tots els gèneres musicals de la seva època i va excel La seva influència va ser profundíssima, tant en el món germànic com en el llatí. pàg., fou un compositor austríac, àmpliament considerat un dels més destacats de la història de la música occidental.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (en alemany: Johann Chrysostomos Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart (Salzburg, 27 de gener de 1756 – Viena, 5 de desembre de 1791, (?.There are also many progressive music groups today who are starting to get out of the stigma of progressive music as a genre and return to the core thinking of progressive music as a view that is very, very strongly influenced by the view of Jazz. Examples of concept albums include Metropolis 2: Scenes from a Memory from Dream Theater and The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway from Genesis. Many progressive rock groups publish one album with songs on the same theme or continuously tell a story (called concept albums). These include unconventional rhythms (not 4/4 or syncopation), proficient instrumentation with complex solos, and songs that are longer than normal (more than 5 minutes, usually around 12-20 minutes or even longer).

However, there are some characteristics of prog music that can usually be found in the works of prog musicians. It is because of this that there is a lot of debate as to whether a prog band is or not.

Some of the leading progressive rock bands are Yes, King Crimson, UK, Pink Floyd and Genesis from circa 1969, Rush from the 70s and Marillion, Dream Theater from the 80s.Īs with other genres of music, it is very difficult to define progressive rock precisely. Starting from the experimentation of rock musicians at that time, inspired by The Beatles and The Beach Boys they began to incorporate traditional music, classical music and jazz into their compositions.

Sometimes the influence of blues and traditional music is also felt. Progressive rock (English: Progressive rock) or often abbreviated as prog is a type of music that began to develop in the late 60's and reached its peak in the 70's, combining elements from rock, jazz and classical music.